
AM Safety GmbH

Commercial register

HRB 10485 Amtsgericht Coesfeld

Registred office



Andrea Peisler / Michael Nusch


Südring 31 / 46342 Velen


+49(0)2863 / 3729910


+49(0)2863 / 3729912


Sales tax identification number

DE 251717544

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AM Safety GmbH endeavours to respect the copyrights of all used graphics, sounds and texts and to use graphics, sounds and texts created by AM Safety GmbH or to use licence-free graphics, sounds and texts. However, if an unmarked graphic, sound or text is used which is protected by an undetected copyright it was not possible for AM Safety GmbH to determine the copyright. In the case of an unintended infringement of copyright AM Safety GmbH will remove the object from the publication or mark the copyright object after having received the appropriate information.

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